Video user's manual for Pacific Mobile buildings.

How-To Videos.
Learn how to access user functions; switch between auto, heat, cool, and off; adjust temperature; turn the fan on and off, and set and enable or disable schedules.
This video will assist you in changing your unit’s heating and cooling system air filter. Frequent changing of the filter will assure you of maximum airflow and the most efficient heating and cooling.
Electrical Issues
This video will help you avoid improper functioning of heating and cooling system, improper kilowattage on a generator, lack of brownout kit, not powering everything off each night, and more.
How to Care for
Your Mobile Office
This video will help you with keeping your office trailer and classroom in good working condition, keeping energy costs low, reducing unplanned service interruptions, and expediting the return process.
When setting up your unit we want your experience to be as satisfying and easy as possible. This video reviews the tips and guidelines for setting up your water connections.