Three Rivers HomeLink
Richland School District needed a building to house its HomeLink students who combine curriculum between the district and home. Three Rivers HomeLink demonstrates a complete construction project from the ground, up. A free-standing entry canopy welcomes students, staff, and families to this full school campus that was completely built during summer break.
This building accommodates Kindergartners through 12th graders and their individual needs. It does not appear to be a modular structure from the outside or once inside. The science lab includes the required safety shower. Music rooms include practice areas for students. The multi-purpose room serves as a physical education facility, as well as a general meeting area and a cafeteria with a full kitchen. The staff break room also includes a kitchen facility. The front reception area combines with the main office. Eleven offices house administrators and consultants; providing room for staff to meet with students and parents. A library also fulfills the needs of all grade levels. Restrooms are available to students, staff and one at the front for visitors too.