City of Fremont Navigation Center
The City of Fremont, California, witnessed a 27% increase in homelessness between 2017 and 2019. According to the City of Fremont, of the 608 homeless counted in Fremont, 485 of them were without shelter. The city wanted to start a program to assist local homeless people by providing them a place to live while working on getting them back in the workforce and on a path to secure permanent housing. The City of Fremont, California, needed a non-permanent, modular, relocatable solution so that they could move the center to higher needs areas in the future and restore the current site to its original intended use.
Pacific Mobile Structures provided Bay Area Community Services with six mobile and modular buildings outfitted for use as dormitories, an assembly room, manager’s office, laundry, restrooms, and showers to offer shelter for the City of Fremont, California’s homeless population. The mobile and modular building designs focus on safety while providing privacy and security in a supervised environment. These buildings are all installed above grade using a temporary pier/pad foundation system and modular ramping.
Relocatable buildings were a cost-effective solution enabling the city to allocate resources and operate a proven program that helps individuals stay out of institutional care and stay connected with their communities. Relocatable, modular and mobile buildings offered a new and innovative solution for the city.
In total, these buildings provide up to six months of housing for 45 homeless adults, one meal a day, storage for personal belongings, hygiene services, and personal growth and wellness services. As a result, Bay Area Community Services is equipped with the cost-effective accommodations they need to operate a proven program that helps individuals stay out of institutional care and stay connected with their communities.