Giving workers the comfort they value most

Designs are customized; exceptional quality is standard.
Our Workforce Housing division provides clean, sturdy and accommodating facilities for a few guys or a few hundred. Guest rooms can be single or double occupancy. Amenities include keyless entry, wireless Internet, lounge, and recreation areas. Full-service kitchens can be equipped to serve three meals a day—to hundreds of hungry workers. Equally important, our housing facilities can be designed and built in as little as 90 days.
For this project, Pacific Mobile developed what is essentially a self-contained neighborhood complete with paved roads and sidewalks, fourplex studio apartments, and connections to all underground utilities.
The facility was constructed to provide remote workforce housing to the oilfield workers in the Eagle Ford Shale region of South Texas. The Lodge was designed to provide superior accommodations for remote oilfield workers in South Texas. It features 100 guest rooms and can accommodate 200 men.
This all-encompassing building provides temporary housing and dining facilities located in a remote area near Cascade, Idaho. The units replace and expand the existing camp and add dining and kitchen services.
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