Specialty Applications

Designs are customized; exceptional quality is standard.
Our process allows for building construction to happen concurrently with site preparation which results in occupancy times 35% quicker than conventional construction methods. Building in a controlled factory environment also creates a more efficient and environmentally friendly process by utilizing standardized methods, consistent labor, and eliminating waste from inclement weather.We offer award-winning design services in which we can turn you initial concepts into a working floor plan with budgetary project costs in days versus weeks.
Six mobile and modular buildings outfitted for use as dormitories, an assembly room, manager’s office, laundry, restrooms, and showers provided to Bay Area Community Services with the accommodations they needed to provide shelter for high-needs homeless adults for the City of Fremont, CA.
With the City of Berkeley’s homeless population quickly growing, the City needed temporary shelter space that would promptly connect the homeless to transitional housing opportunities and provide immediate access to social services.
This building serves as the administration and archival wing for the Wanapum Heritage Center. PMSI installed 18 modules seamlessly joining that traditionally built center to house the museum’s offices, conference room, recording studio, archival library, restrooms, and full kitchen for the employees.
SCI Infrastructure, a construction company, and dirt contractor, needed a larger headquarters to accommodate their operations. One key reason that SCI Infrastructure turned to Pacific Mobile was the cost savings that could be achieved with modular in comparison to traditional construction.
The Yakama Nation of Indians needed a custom facility to supply Wi-Fi and data services throughout the reservation. A 5,376-square foot facility was designed and constructed to meet this need.
This winery and office building were built to expand the winery’s existing operations. This 24×60 building was connected to an existing 36×60 building to create a large, integrated 60×60 structure. The interior was opened up to create a larger lab, conference room, and more privacy for executive staff.
Bellingham Airport modular terminal renovation. New siding, blast-proof exterior windows, and custom automatic sliding doors. Interior included 10’ ceiling height, suspended T-grid ceiling tiles, new carpet tile flooring, two complete ADA restrooms, and custom ADA high traffic handicap ramp.
This modular building was designed to match an existing multi-million dollar permanent golf shop located nearby. The building includes tape and texture interior walls with 9’ ceilings, upgraded finish cabinetry, lap exterior siding, and a copper shingle roof with 3’ overhangs on all sides.
This building was built as a laboratory and office space for a winery. The 108’ x 50’ and 24’ x 34’ “L” shaped laboratory features exterior lap siding, 18” mansard accentuating the roofline of the modular, and perimeter chassis for a permanent foundation.
Constellation Brands needed a new center to evaluate the psychological and physiological responses of panelists testing both their wines and competitors wines, in order to determine marketing and growing strategies for the future.
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