Michels Groveland Custom Lease
The City of San Francisco Public Utilities Commission embarked on a five-year $140 million project to repair, rehabilitate and upgrade the 19-mile-long Mountain Tunnel, a key component of the Hetch Hetchy Water System that takes water from Tuolumne County and sends it to San Francisco. The contract for the project was awarded to Michels Corporation. As a result, Michels Corporation needed to provide temporary office and administrative space, including restrooms and showers for the City of San Francisco Employees.
Because the project site is off the beaten path, they needed a solution that could fit their needs and could be in a rural environment. They also needed the buildings quickly. They turned to Pacific Mobile Structure to provide six standard lease buildings including two 12X40s, a 12X44, a 12X60, two 24X40s, and a 24X60. Pacific Mobile also provided a custom-designed lease restroom and shower building. This specific building was custom as it was something that Pacific Mobile doesn’t regularly have in stock but designed to Michels’ specifications so they would have their needs for this project met.
What makes this project unique is the amount of temporary workspace and accommodations that Pacific Mobile Structures was able to provide in a tight time constraint for lease. Michels prefers to work with Pacific Mobile Structures because of the trusted partnership they’ve built over time, the quality of buildings, the team’s attentiveness, and their eye for detail.